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Minutes for HB2431 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development

Short Title

Expanding the rural opportunity zone program by changing the definition of rural opportunity zone, expanding eligibility for program participants, adding down payment assistance as a benefit under such program, providing for a two-track program and establishing a new rural community building program option.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 17, 2021

Chair Kelly opened the hearing on HB 2431 and recognized Charles Reimer, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, who briefed the committee on bill, (remote) (Attachment6) . Question and answer period followed.

Chair Kelly called on Research, recognized Melissa Renick, Assistant Director for Research, Kansas Legislative Research Department, who shared important points detailed in the HB 2431 Fiscal Note.

Proponents - Chair Kelly recognized the following individuals who provided information in support of HB 2431. David Soffer, Legislative & Policy Director, Kansas Department of Commerce, (Attachment7); Mr. Soffer also provided a "ROZ 2020 Annual Report" document, (Attachment8), and "ROZ Program Evaluation and Recommendations" document, (Attachment9); Wendi Stark, Research Associate, The League of Kansas Municipalities, (Attachment10); Trisha Purdon, Executive Director, Montgomery County Action Council, (remote), (Attachment11); and Kerri Falletti, Director, Cowley County Economic Development Partnership, (remote), (Attachment12).  Question and answer period followed.

Proponents-written only - Chair Kelly announced the following individuals / organization that support HB 2431. Janet McRae, Economic Development Director, Miami County, (Attachment13); Michael Scanlon, City Manager, City of Osawatomie, (Attachment14); Lucas Goff, County Administrator, Cowley County Board of Commissioners, (Attachment15); Randy Frazer, City Manager, Arkansas City, (Attachment16); Taggert Wall, City Manager, City of Winfield, (Attachment17); Mandy Maples, Manager, Human Resources, Newell-Rubbermaid, Winfield, (Attachment18); Christy Hopkins, Director, Greeley County Community Development, Tribune, (Attachment19); and Tara Mays, Vice President State Legislative Relations, Kansas Hospital Association, (Attachment20).

Neutral - None

Opponents - None

Opponents-written only - None

Chair Kelly closed hearing on HB 2431.


The next House Financial Institutions and Rural Development Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 22, 2021.

Chair Kelly adjourned the meeting at 10:33 am.


Note:  Patrick Vogelsberg, Kansas Gas Service Company, provided additional written information (via email) related to Informational Hearing-Securitization and Sub SB 245, (Attachment21), in response to a request made by a committee member.  The follow up was provided to committee members via email and added to the Kansas Legislative website after the meeting.