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Senate Status:
Minutes for HB2196 - Committee on Commerce
Short Title
Substitute for HB 2196 by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Changing provisions of the employment security law including creation of the unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council, development of a new unemployment insurance information technology system, provision of tax information to claimants, publication of trust fund data, the maximum benefit period, the charging of employer accounts for benefits paid, employer contribution rate determination and schedules, abolishment of the employment security interest assessment fund, crediting of employer accounts for fraudulent or erroneous payments, appropriation of federal COVID-19 moneys to the unemployment insurance trust fund, transfers from the state general fund to the unemployment insurance trust fund for improper benefit payments, emergency expansion of the employment security board of review, providing for the my reemployment plan program and workforce training program availability to claimants, changes to the shared work compensation program and other unemployment trust fund provisions.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 16, 2021
Chairman Olson called upon Andy Sanchez for opponent testimony (Attachment 18)
Chairman Olson called upon Jake Miller for opposition testimony.
Written-Only OPPONENTS:
Alise Martiny, GKC Building and Trade
Mitchell Rowley, Laborers Local Union 1290
John Garretson, IBEW Local Union 304
Joe Hudson, St. Louis-K.C. Carpenters Regional Council
Committee comments and questions ensued.