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Minutes for HB2087 - Committee on Ways and Means
Short Title
Limiting the review of certain rules and regulations by the director of the budget.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 24, 2021
Chairperson Billinger opened the hearing on HB 2087. Jill Wolters, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill. (Attachment 16)
Adam Proffitt, Director of the Budget, testified as a strong proponent of the bill as it would preserve the analytic review of rules and regulations while eliminating an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy from the process. The current process is very burdensome for his office and sometimes requires they review documents multiple times if they are sent back for edits. This bill would set a threshold of $3 million over two years before the Director of the Budget would be required to approve the proposed regulation. For CY 2019 and CY 2020 his office reviewed 1,043 regulations. Of those, only eleven reached the $3 million level. Director Proffitt responded to questions from Committee members. (Attachment 17)
Chris Tymeson, Chief Legal Counsel, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, spoke in favor of the bill. The Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism has a large number of rules and regulations and this bill would streamline the process by improving efficiency and timeliness. Mr. Tymeson responded to questions from Committee members. (Attachment 18)
Written testimony in support of the bill was submitted by:
Representative Ron Highland, 51st District (Attachment 19)
Katie Koupal, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Communications and Policy (Attachment 20)
Tucker Poling, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (Attachment 21)
Randy Stookey; Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association and Renew Kansas Biofuels Association; testified as a neutral conferee. Legislation that passed in 2018 relating to the review of rules and regulations increased transparency but also increased the workload of the Budget Director's office. While he supports the changes being proposed by the bill, he included a proposed amendment in his testimony that would change the threshold from $3 million to $1 million. (Attachment 22)
Written testimony neutral to the bill was submitted by Shahira Stafford, Kansas Cooperative Council (Attachment 23)
There being no further conferees, Chairperson Billinger closed the hearing on HB 2087.