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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for HB2174 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Establishing the rural hospital innovation grant program to assist rural hospitals in serving rural communities.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 16, 2021

Scott Abbott, Revisor of Statutes, provided and overview of HB2174.

Tara Mays, Vice President Legislative Relations, Kansas Hospital Association, provide testimony in support of HB2174. It was noted that nationally 47% of hospitals are operating at a financial loss. In Kansas the report noted that 74% are in the same situation. HB2174 provides state funded grant assistance to hospitals to engage in conversations to explore how to best provide care for their community members. This program requires matching funds from private sources at a rate of $2 for every $1 of matching grant funding. This creates a private/public partnership in determining the best solution for the type of hospital a community needs (Attachment 1).

Wendi Stark, Research Associate, League of Kansas Municipalities, in supporting testimony for HB2174 noted that 74 Kansas hospital are in financial distress. Cities are needing to evaluate their current situations regarding providing care to their residents. HB2174 will help rural hospitals adjust to a model better suited to serve their communities and be cost effective. Many independent hospitals are supported by local tax dollars. These hospitals would also benefit from the grant money offered in the bill. The League of Kansas Municipalities wishes to have all rural hospital eligible to apply for the grant money that will be made available (Attachment 2).

The following provided written only testimony in support of HB2174:

Rachelle Colombo, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society (Attachment 3)

John Donley, Kansas Farm Bureau (Attachment 4)

The hearing on HB2174 was closed.