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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for SB62 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Amending the standards for school-administered vision screenings for students and establishing the Kansas children's vision health and school readiness commission.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 11, 2021

Chairperson Huebert opened the hearing on SB62.

Revisor Meyers gave an overview of SB62 of the proposed vision test legislation. (Attachment 4)

Todd Fleisher, gave an overview of the present system of vision screenings in schools.  He explained there are some updates that need to be made since screenings were last updated in 2004.  In 2017, Envision, Inc. spearheaded the organization of a Vision Summit that gathered experts from various disciplines and areas of the state, to identify updates needed.  From this meeting the Kansas Vision Coalition Task Force (KVC) came up with recommendations to update existing practices and that was further defined by creating this legislation.  Mr. Fleisher encouraged the Committee to pass SB62 favorably.  (Attachment 5)

Leah Fliter of Kansas Association of School Boards spoke briefly in support of all children having excellent vision that will help them thrive in school.  She stated this bill will support vision health among Kansas learners.  (Attachment 6)

Cindy Galemore, Vision Coalition, gave the history of vision testing in Kansas schools.  She shared her experience as a school nurse, and her involvement with vision health.  She urged the Committee to pass this necessary update for the current vision screening statutes.  (Attachment 7)

Written Proponent Testimony:

Sharon A. Morris, MS, RN, Kansas School Nurses Organization (Attachment 8)

Neutral Proponent Testimony:

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, Legislative Liaisons, Kansas State Board of Education (Attachment 9)

There was a time of questions and answers.  Ben Jones, Legislative Liaison from the Kansas State Board of Education, was present and involved in the discussion. 

Chairperson Huebert closed the hearing on SB62 and adjourned the meeting at 2:17 PM.