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Minutes for SB76 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation
Short Title
Establishing the golden years homestead property tax freeze act to provide a refund for certain increases in residential property taxes.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 11, 2021
Chairperson Tyson opened the hearing on SB 76.
Amelia Kovar-Donohue, Office of Revisor of Statutes, provided a briefing on the bill. (Attachment 1)
Proponent oral testimony was presented by:
Senator Tom Holland, KS Senate Chamber (Attachment 2)
Senator Virgil Peck, KS Senate Chamber (Attachment 3)
Senator Jeff Pittman, KS Senate Chamber (Attachment 4)
Emanuel Greenberg on behalf of mother Dorothy Greenberg, Kansas Resident (Attachment 5)
Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 6)
Proponent written testimony was submitted by:
Dr. Ted Davis, Leavenworth, KS (Attachment 7)
Mark Tomb, Kansas Association of Realtors (Attachment 8)
Leonard and Jeanne Reed, Lansing, KS (Attachment 9)
Senator Mike Petersen, KS Senate Chamber (Attachment 10)
Opponent oral testimony was presented by:
Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber (Attachment 11)
Neutral oral testimony was presented by:
Dave Trabert, Kansas Policy Institute (Attachment 12)
When all questions from the committee were answered, Chairperson Tyson closed the hearing on SB 76.