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Minutes for HB2415 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Short Title
Providing the state fire marshal with law enforcement powers and requiring an investigation of deaths resulting from fire.
Minutes Content for Fri, Mar 12, 2021
Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2415. Matt Sterling, Revisor, provided an overview of the bill (Attachment 1).
Chairperson Barker recognized Doug Jorgensen as a proponent of HB2415 (Attachment 2) (Attachment 2A). A number of questions were asked by various Committee members.
Chairperson Barker recognized Ed Klumpp as a proponent of HB2415 (Attachment 3).
Chairperson Barker recognized John Goodyear as a neutral on the bill (Attachment 4) (Attachment 4A).
Chairperson Barker directed the Committee's attention to the written neutral testimony of Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 5).
Chairperson Barker stated that the Committee will work this bill sometime next week. He then closed the hearing on HB2415.