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Minutes for HB2349 - Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice

Short Title

Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements, decreasing criminal penalties for failure to register, allowing courts to waive fees associated with registration, reducing number of places a person is required to register and eliminating registration for most juvenile adjudications.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 25, 2021

Chair Jennings called for discussion and final action on HB2349.

Natalie Scott, Assistant Revisor, reviewed the bill.  The revisor stood for questions.

Representative Jennings distributed a proposed balloon amendment. (Attachment 1) The revisor discussed the amendment changes and stood for questions.  Representative Jennings discussed the amendment and responded to questions by the Committee.

Representative Jennings moved, Representative Highberger seconded, to adopt the amendment.

Discussion ensued and questions by the Committee were addressed.

The motion carried.

Representatives Highberger and Owens requested their 'Aye' vote be recorded.  Representative Carmichael requested his 'Nay' vote be recorded.

Chair Jennings called for discussion on a motion to amend.  Discussion ensued and questions by the Committee were addressed.

Representative Highberger moved, to recommend HB2349, as amended, favorably for passage.  Representative Wheeler seconded.  The motion carried.

Representatives Carmichael, Highberger, and Owens requested their 'Aye' vote be recorded.  Representative Carpenter requested his 'Present' vote be recorded.