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Minutes for HB2339 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Expanding the crime of election tampering to include changing or altering votes cast, manipulating computer hardware or software or vote tabulation methods or producing false vote totals.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 25, 2021
Chairperson Carpenter opened discussion and action on HB2339 and requested Revisor Long to give an overview.
Representative Toplikar moved, seconded by Representative Dodson, to pass out favorably HB2339.
Representative Toplikar moved, seconded by Representative Dodson, to adopt the proposed balloon amendment for HB2339. (Attachment 7) Motion passed.
Representative Toplikar moved, seconded by Representative Dodson, to pass out HB2339 as amended. Motion passed.
Chairperson Carpenter thanked the Committee members and staff for their attendance at meetings and their work on bills before Turnaround.
The meeting adjourned at 5:09 p.m.
The next meeting of the House Elections Committee will be in March 2021.