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Minutes for HB2234 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Requiring medical directors of emergency medical services to provide medical oversight of such services and emergency medical service providers.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 22, 2021

Scott Abbott, Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of HB2234 to the committee.

Joseph House, Executive Director, Emergency Medical Services Board, provided testimony in support of HB2234. The purpose of the bill is to provide a fix to two problems. The first is a lack of clear expectation of medical oversight. In recent years, medical directors have reported some confusion and uncertainty as to what was expected of them. The agreed upon solution was to create a definition of "medical oversight." This will offer clarity to the medical director's expectation and add the ability to approve medical protocols. The second problem was a process to obtain medical protocol approval that has become increasingly problematic to achieve. A medical protocol is a written physician directive to the EMS provider on how to treat a patient. These protocols allow the EMS provider to initiate a physician-directed treatment plan without having to physically contact the physician prior to treatment. Previously there were two methods to gain approval of medical protocols. The first was a county medical society and the second, a medical staff at the hospital to which primarily handled the transported patient. There has been a reduction in the number of medical societies. A change was made in 2010, to using a medical advisory council as a third option for approving protocols. A concern regarding liability has arisen. HB2234 places the liability on the physician who is responsible for reviewing and implementing the protocols. The physician is also responsible for ensuring that the EMS providers working for that organization have the ability to competently execute those protocols. Mr. House urges the support of the committee for favorable passage (Attachment 1).

Mr. House responded to questions from the committee.

The following provided written only testimony:

Rachelle Colombo, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society (Attachment 2)

The hearing on HB2234 was closed.

The committee moved to proceed with final action on HB2234.

Representative Eplee motioned and Representative Kelly seconded to advance out HB2234 favorably. Motion carried.