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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for SB170 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Making permanent provisions for the advisory committee on trauma and the statewide trauma system regional council to conduct closed meetings and keep privileged records regarding trauma cases.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 23, 2021

Chairperson Hilderbrand opened the hearing on SB170.

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of SB170.

Wendy O'Hare, stated in her proponent testimony that SB170 would allow protection from disclosure to Advisory Committee on Trauma members when discussing protected health information during peer review sessions. SB170 would also allow protection from disclosure to all healthcare providers when discussing protected health information during regional peer review sessions. (Attachment 1)

Joseph House spoke in support of SB170. He said that SB170 would remove the sunset provisions related to the advisory committee on trauma specifically regarding the process of trauma peer review and make some minor editorial changes to remove language that is no longer necessary. (Attachment 2)

Questions were asked by committee members.

Written only proponent testimony was submitted by:

Tara Mays, Kansas Hospital Association (Attachment 3)

Rachelle Colombo, Kansas Medical Society (Attachment 4)

Dave Johnston, President, Kansas EMS Association (Attachment 5)

Chairperson Hilderbrand closed the hearing on SB170.