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Minutes for SB161 - Committee on Commerce

Short Title

Providing for the use of personal package delivery devices on sidewalks and crosswalks, exempting such devices from motor vehicle regulation and limiting additional municipal regulation.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 24, 2021

Chairman Olson opened the hearing on SB161 - Providing for the use of personal package delivery devices on sidewalks and crosswalks, exempting such devices from motor vehicle regulation and limiting additional municipal regulation and called upon Charles Reimer for a Revisor of Statutes overview of the bill.

Chairman Olson called upon Jeff Cleland for primary proponent testimony. Mr. Cleland stated that since last session, the Scout vehicle is now delivering in four urban areas and has been approved in 12 states. Mr. Cleland explained that an agreement had been met with The League of Kansas Municipalities.

(Attachment 7)

Chairman Olson called upon Evan Oneto for additional proponent testimony. Mr. Oneto suggested that since his company's bot application called Roxi vehicle was larger, it would require several amendments to the bill in order to operate in Kansas. He offered that concerns for job losses was unfounded since, more people would be need to be hired to support the bots and would actually call for an increase in his company's local work force.He also asserted that this change would not represent a change in current services, but would provide a completely new level of service and add a new same day market capability.

(Attachment 8)

Chairman Olson called upon Matthew Hall for primary opponent testimony on the bill. Mr. Hall introduced a United Parcel Service (UPS) driver to share his concerns about the loss of jobs that could be expected to occur should this bill become law.

(Attachment 9)

Written-Only Opponent Testimony:

(Attachment 10)

Ty Dragoo, SMART

(Attachment 11)

Chairman Olson called upon Erik Sartorius for neutral testimony. Mr. Sartorius explained a productive conversation and agreement had taken place regarding the Amazon Scout application. Mr Sartoius expressed that the League has concerns with amendment proposed for the Federal Express Roxi application.

(Attachment 12)

After committee questions and comments, Chairman Olson closed the hearing on SB161.