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Minutes for SB137 - Committee on Commerce
Short Title
Expanding the military spouse and service member’s expedited licensure law to all applicants who have established or intend to establish residency in Kansas, providing for licenses in an emergency declared by the legislature, allowing telemedicine by out-of-state healthcare providers and permitting the use of electronic credentials.
Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 23, 2021
Chairman Olson opened the hearing on SB137 and called upon Charles Reimer for a Revisor of Statutes overview of the bill.
Chairman Olson called upon Representative Chris Croft for primary proponent testimony on the bill. Rep. Croft shared practical and technical history on the bill. He stated that the essence of the bill is to help build and increase the Kansas workforce.
Chairman Olson called upon Mark Dugan for primary proponent testimony on the bill. Mr. Dugan explained that his think tank strives to reduce barriers for the American workforce in order to promote opportunity for Americans to live the American dream. He appealed to the legislature to allow spouses of military families to apply their professions to the benefit of the Kansas economy.
Chairman Olson called upon Eric Stafford for proponent testimony who made a case to allow military spouses to work in the state of Kansas while remaining under the over-site of respective regulatory agencies.
Chairman Olson called upon Kevin Walker for proponent testimony calling for the committee to consider the advantages of the proposed bill to improve the state's workforce.
Chairman Olson called upon Andrew Wiens for proponent testimony who urged the committee to understand that branches of the military are now evaluating state licensing policies for future basing decisions.
Chairman Olson called upon Elizabeth Patton for supporting proponent testimony concerning the bill's elements to encourage many qualified professionals to consider making a long term career choices to stay in Kansas. Ms. Patton indicated that boards and regulators do have very broad descretion regarding licensing credentialing. She opined that the bill did not challenge that authority. Ms. Patton urged the committee to provide families the opportunity for a more productive and dignified Kansas career experience.
Committee questions and comments ensued.
Written-Only Proponent Testimony
John Jenks, Greater KC Chamber of Commerce
Heather Sprague Scanlon, United We .
Courtney Eichorn, Kansas Citizen
Chairman Olson called upon Larry Karns for primary opponent testimony on the bill. He claimed that this bill would lower the standards and qualifications for many technical professions.
Written-Only Opponent and Neutral Testimony:
Rachelle Columbo, Kansas Medical Society
Allie Devine/Jason Johnson, Kansas Society of Land Surveyors
Chairman Olson called upon Aron Dunn for opponent testimony.
Chairman Olson called upon Dana Williamson for opponent testimony.
Susan Somers, KS Board of Accountancy
Chairman Olson called upon Todd Fleischer
Chad Johanning, KS Academy of Physicians
Mark Tomb, KS Association of Realtors
Erik Wisner, Kansas Real Estate Commission
Sean Simms, American Society of Landscape Architects
Travis Lowe, KSPE
Megan Kilgore, KS Veterinary Medical Association
Chairman Olson suspended the hearing on SB137 until the next committee meeting.