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Minutes for HB2379 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Enacting the peer-to-peer vehicle sharing act to provide insurance, liability, recordkeeping and consumer protection requirements for peer-to-peer vehicle sharing.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 24, 2021


Staff explained the bill contents to the Committee. (Attachment 4)

Laura Manno was the first proponent. (Attachment 5) According to Ms. Manno, Turo provides the opportunity for car owners to share their cars with neighbors and travelers.  She said this bill establishes peer-to-peer car sharing as its own unique industry through clear and consistent definitions and sets forth a thorough, negotiated, regulatory framework to ensure a safe, reliable and competitive marketplace. She stood for questions - there were none.

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to written testimony submitted in support of HB2379 by Tyler Diers, Executive Director, Midwest, TechNet. (Attachment 6)

Pat Barnes provided neutral testimony. (Attachment 7) According to Mr. Barnes, the KADA believes their concerns can best be resolved for them as a regulated industry with a few additions to the terminology which would effectively exclude them.  He suggested amending the bill to exempt those who are subject to the Dealers and Manufacturers Licensing Act in Kansas.  He stood for questions.

The Chairman asked if there were any more proponents, opponents or neutrals. There were none so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2379 and called for Final Action on the following bills.