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Minutes for HB2313 - Committee on Taxation

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Allowing Kansas national guard and reservist members who are in good standing to receive a property tax exemption for up to two motor vehicles.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 24, 2021

Chairperson Smith opened the hearing for HB2313.

Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor provided an overview on HB2313 stating the bill would allow the Kansas National Guard and Reservist members who are in good standing to qualify for the property tax exemption for up to 2 motor vehicles.  Currently, not all such individuals are eligible for the property tax exemption. (Attachment 1)

Kathleen Smith, Kansas Department of Revenue stated HB2313 would decrease property tax revenues by adding a new property tax exemption.  The state funds directly affected by this bill are the two building funds, the Educational Building Fund (EBF) and the State Institutions Building Fund (SIBF).  She noted assuming each of the 5,685 members eligible for the exemption registered two vehicles at the average rate would reduce state revenues by $27,288. 


Eugene Bradley, Legislative Liaison for Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Kansas testified as a proponent for HB2313 stating the vehicle registration exemption established in KS 79-5107 excludes most of the members of the Kansas Army and Air National Guard.  Currently the taxation benefit are military members who are on active duty or active guard reserve and the remaining Kansas Airmen and soldiers are excluded.  There are approximately 6,400 guardsmen who serve in the State of Kansas and fewer than 1,000 are on qualified orders that would grant them the vehicle tax exemption.  (Attachment 2)

Mr. Bradley responded to questions from Committee members.

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing on HB2313.