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Minutes for HB2315 - Committee on Taxation

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Providing a tax credit for contributions to technical colleges.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 23, 2021

Chairperson Smith opened the hearing HB2315.

Mr. Siebers provided an overview on HB2315 stating the bill provides for the Higher Education Deferred Maintenance Tax Credit for contributions to a technical college for capital improvements, deferred maintenance or the purchase of technology or equipment.  (Attachment 11)

Ms. Smith stated HB2315 would decrease the State General Fund revenues by $3.5 million in FY2022; $3.5 million in FY2023; $3.5 million FY2024; $3.5 million in FY2025; and $3.5 million in FY2026.  The Revenue Department indicates the bill would require $234,674 from the State General Fund in FY2022 to implement the bill and to modify the automated tax system. 


Heather Morgan, Kansas Association of Community College Trustees testified as a proponent for HB2315 stating she is requesting an amendment to the bill to include the 19 Kansas Community Colleges that provides 70% of the technical education in Kansas.  HB2315 would allow taxpayers to claim the Higher Education Deferred Maintenance Tax Credit for contributions to a technical college for capital improvements, deferred maintenance, or the purchase of technology or equipment.  The tax credit would be advantageous to the colleges to make certain the technical education offerings meets the needs of Kansas businesses and stay current in terms of ensuring students are trained on equipment and types of technologies to be able to operate when they enter the workforce.  (Attachment 12)

Ms. Morgan stood for questions from Committee members. 

Jim Genandt, Manhattan Technical College testified as a proponent for HB2315 noting the tax credit for technical colleges would result in a repaid return on investment directly strengthening workforce education and economic development in many areas of Kansas.  The tax credit for the technical colleges would provide up to $500,000 per year for five years per institution for the purpose of obtaining donations for capital outlay projects in exchange for a tax credit voucher.  (Attachment 13)

Mr. Genandt stood for questions from Committee members.

Written testimony as a proponent for HB2315 was submitted by Dr. Jerry Farley, President, Washburn University (Attachment 14)

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing for HB2315.