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Minutes for SB245 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Providing for the financing of electrical corporations through the issuance of securitization bonds.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 18, 2021

Chairman Longbine opened the meeting on SB245, and asked Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Revisor of Statutes Office, to provide an overview of the bill.   (Attachment 1)  She then answered questions from Senators Peck and Gossage.

Oral Proponents:

Chuck Caisley, SVP Marketing and Public Affairs, and Darrin Ives, VP, Regulatory Affairs, Evergy appeared in person and provided testimony supporting the bill.  (Attachment 2)  Mr. Caisley and Mr. Ives answered questions from Chairman Longbine and Senators Hilderbrand and Olson.

Zach Pistora on behalf of the Kansas Sierra Club testified via Webex remote.   (Attachment 3)

Ashok Gupta, Natural Resources Defense Council, testified via Webex remote  (Attachment 4)

Written-only Proponents:

Chairman Longbine pointed to written-only proponent testimony from Curtis Sneden, President, Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce.  (Attachment 5)

Oral Opponents:

Robert Vincent, Counsel, Kansas Industrial Consumers Group and Kansans for Lower Electric Rates appeared in person giving opposition testimony.   (Attachment 6)

Written-only Opponents:

David Nickel, Consumer Counsel of the Citizens' Utility Rate Payer Board (CURB), monitoring via Webex remote (Attachment 7)

Ernest Kutzley, Advocacy Director for American Association of Retired Persons, Kansas (AARP)  (Attachment 8)

Oral Neutral:

Justin Grady for Revenue Requirements, Cost of Service and Finance Utilities Division on behalf of The Staff of the Kansas Corporation Commission testified via Webex remote.  (Attachment 9)

Dorothy Barnett, Executive Director, Climate + Energy Project of the Clean Business Council testified viaWebex remote.   (Attachment 10)

Phil Wages, for Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (KPECo), testified in person.  (Attachment 11)

Eric Stafford, Vice President, Government Affairs for the Kansas Chamber, testified in person.  (Attachment 12)

Written-only Neutral:

Whitney Damron on behalf of Liberty Utilities   (Attachment 13)

Leslie Kaufman on behalf of Kansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc. (KEC)   (Attachment 14)


There being no other questions, comments, or discussion and no additional proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony submitted, Chairman Longbine closed the hearing on SB245.


Adjournment was at 10:30 am.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 9:30 am in room 546-South of the Capitol.