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Minutes for SB143 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Updating definitions and increasing maximum functional unit license and storage fees relating to grain and public warehouse laws.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 24, 2021
Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on SB143.
Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill.
Jeff Vogel testified in support of the bill. He told the committee that the passage of this bill will allow the Kansas Department of Agriculture to operate a Grain Warehouse Program with a sustainable budget to protect the farmers who deposit grain in the public grain warehouses.(Attachment 1)
Randy Stookey spoke in favor of the bill. He testified that the grain industry is willing to pay a reasonable fee increase as it will enable the continued existence of the State Grain Warehouse Program.(Attachment 2)
Shahira Stafford spoke in support of the bill. She explained that the cooperatives she represents support the bill because they see the value of having a choice between state and federal licensing. They understand that without increased funding, the Kansas Department of Agriculture would not be able to operate the Warehouse Grain Program. This would force all grain elevators to be licensed by the federal government. (Attachment 3)
John Donley testified in favor of the bill. He told the committee that when the Kansas Farm Bureau presented the financial situation to stakeholders over the past year, it became apparent that the only feasible option to maintain the Grain Warehouse Program was to increase fees. They know these fees will be passed down to farmers, but hope this will provide a sustainable program in the future.(Attachment 4)
After some discussion, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on SB143.