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Minutes for HB2376 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy relating to making arrests for violation of a protective order and procedures for separating suspects from the scene for a period of time.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 23, 2021


Chairperson Patton opened the hearing on HB2376.  Natalie Scott Provided an overview of HB2376. (Attachment 7)

There were no proponents on the agenda, Chairperson Patton asked if there were proponents in the audience. There were none.

Representative Neely spoke up with suggestions for amendments.  Chairperson Patton asked that he continue on and explain why the amendments would be a good idea.


Sara Rust-Martin (Attachment 8) stated The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) is neutral on HB2376. KCSDV supports strong laws that protect victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. All victims deserve to be safe and KCSDV supports strategies to forward that goal. HB2376 is clearly intended to help victims in dangerous situations; however, KCSDV is concerned that this additional language may do more harm than good. The points regarding the language are explained in detail in Ms. Rust-Martin's attached testimony.


Ed Klump (Attachment 9) explained while supporting constitutional efforts to reduce domestic violence, Mr. Klumpp and the organizations he represents must oppose HB2376 in its current form. If the committee decides to move this bill forward over our opposition, they request the committee consider modifying the mandatory arrest language on page 1, lines 15-24, to minimize the new unintended consequence of the exposure to significant medical costs not within our control.

Gregory Smith stated given the testimony given by Mr. Klumpp, he stood with Mr. Klumpp's testimony. (Attachment 10)

Written Opponent

  • Amanda Stanley, General Counsel, League of Kansas Municipalities (Attachment 11)

Chairperson Patton asked if there were any additional conferees. Being none, he closed the hearing on HB2376,