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Minutes for HB2249 - Committee on Social Services Budget

Short Title

Setting the protected income level for persons receiving home and community-based services at 150% of federal supplemental security income.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 23, 2021

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HB2249.

Scott Abbott, Revisor of Statutes Office gave an overview of HB2249.

Mike Burgess testified in support of HB2249 and thanked the Committee and the Kansas Legislature for raising the Protected Income Level two years ago.  He said they are now half-way toward meeting that "magic number" of 300% of SSI for the PIL. (Attachment 1)

Chairperson Carpenter spoke on the bill.

Sean Gatewood testified in support of HB2249 stating that allowing the Protected Income level to be set at 300%, the federally allowed maximum, we are recognizing the dignity and equality of older adults and Kansans with disabilities while keeping them safe in their own homes. (Attachment 2)

Matt Fletcher testified in support of HB2249 because due to the last increase, it has proven to be very helpful to individuals who must adhere to strict income guidelines in order to remain eligible for the services that help keep them in the community. (Attachment 3)

Lou Ann Kibbee provided Neutral testimony on HB2249 stating if the Protected Income Level was increased to 300%, her clients would be able to pay their monthly bills and live comfortably. (Attachment 4)

Ami Hyten testified in support of HB2249 stating that the full inclusion and integration of people with disabilities into all aspects of community living, drives the services and advocacy her organization provides, such as addressing inequities like the Protected Income Level. (Attachment 5)

Shawn Sullivan provided Neutral testimony on HB2249 stating that the current Protected Income level is still a significant barrier to PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) access for many individuals on Medicaid that are functionally eligible for nursing homes. (Attachment 6)

The following Proponents provided written testimony:

  • Sarah Fertig, State Medicaid Director, KDHE (Attachment 7)
  • Laura Howard, Secretary, KDADS (Attachment 8)
  • Rachel Monger, Vice President of Government Affairs, LeadingAge Kansas (Attachment 9)
  • Margaret Farley, Executive Director, Kansas Advocates for Better Care (Attachment 10)
  • Darlene Singhurst, client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 11)
  • Patricia Hall, Pittsburg, KS - client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 12)
  • Addie McMillian, Liberal, KS - client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 13)
  • Lori Whetzell, Arma, KS - client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 14)
  • Alma Williams, Bronson, KS - client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 15)
  • David Bibler, Bel Aire, KS - client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 16)
  • Catherine Snyder, Pittsburg, KS - client of SKIL Resource Center (Attachment 17)
  • Kenneth Drake, client of Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (Attachment 18)
  • Claud Evans, client of Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (Attachment 19)
  • Pat Rocha, for her Mother who is a client of Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (Attachment 20)
  • Doris Winston, client of Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (Attachment 21)

Meeting was adjourned at 4:12 pm.

Next scheduled meeting is Thursday, February 25, 2021.