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Minutes for SB177 - Committee on Commerce
Short Title
Changing provisions of the employment security law including creation of the unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council, development of a new unemployment insurance information technology system, provision of tax information to claimants, publication of trust fund data, the maximum benefit period, the charging of employer accounts for benefits paid, employer contribution rate determination and schedules, abolishment of the employment security interest assessment fund, crediting of employer accounts for fraudulent or erroneous payments, transfers from the state general fund to the unemployment insurance trust fund for improper benefit payments, changes to the shared work compensation program and other unemployment trust fund provisions.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 17, 2021
Chairman Olson resumed the hearing for proponent testimony on SB177 and called upon Keeli Walker for testimony from the perspective of a frustrated Unemployment Insurance claimant.
Chairman Olson called upon Eric Stafford for primary proponent testimony. (Attachment 2)
Chairman Olson called to the committee's attention a January 4, 2021 KLRD Memorandum providing information regarding the last major modernization project related to the Kansas unemployment insurance system, which occurred during the 2000s (includes funding sources used for the project and the timeline of the project).
Chairman Olson called upon Dan Murray for proponent testimony. Mr. Murray endorsed the bill's prescriptive modernization plan details calling for the Modernization and Improvement Council, the change to benefit duration to traditional levels, COID-19 claim immunity and the adjustment of the rate table.
Chairman Olson called upon Natalie Bright for proponent testimony representing a packet of 46 testimony letters from her association's human resource management members. Ms. Bright advocated for the proposed oversight council and more business access to EI Trust Fund information and data.
Chairman Olson called upon Kevin Walker for proponent testimony demonstrating strong support for the bill.
Chairman Olson called upon Joe Horvath for proponent testimony. Mr. Horvath expressed encouragement for the bill's call for a broader stroke of stakeholders to work together and the use of current databases such as incarceration and new hire information to help foil and curb fraudulent claim activity.
Chairman Olson called upon Rick Krause for proponent testimony. Mr. Krause reported encouraging observations with his school districts decreasing claims and apparent fraudulent activity. He questioned why more had not been done sooner to follow-up on repetitive fraudulent activity.
Chairman Olson called upon Douglas Scott for proponent testimony. Mr. Scott representing a company of 9,000 employees operating in a very cyclical market industry commended the shared work program that has enabled the retention of a highly specialized and skilled workforce during difficult recessionary periods.
Chairman Olson called upon Jay Kettering for proponent testimony. Mr. Kettering requested more assistant to non-profits explaining how difficult it is for them to gain access to capital during recent shutdowns.
Chairman Olson called upon Charis Johnson for proponent testimony. Scott Schneider spoke on behalf of Ms. Johnson. Mr. Schneider commended the bill for easing the burden of redundant reporting requirements for professional employers.
Written-Only Proponents
John Jenks, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
Ashley Sherad, Lenexa KS Chamber of Commerce
Rachel Monger, Leading Edge Kansas
Trey Cocking, The Kansas League of Municipalities
Jason Watkins, Wichita Chamber of Commerce
Randy Stookey, representing Kansas Feed and Grain, Agribusiness Retailer and Renew Kansas Biofuels associations.
Tim McKee, Olathe Chamber of Commerce
Jessica Helt, Lenexa Chamber of Commerce
Seeing no additional proponent testimony Chairman Olson suspended the hearing on SB177 to be continued at next meeting.