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Minutes for HB2136 - Committee on Insurance and Pensions

Short Title

Updating certain statutes relating to the regulation of the business of insurance; granting the commissioner of insurance certain investigative powers.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 17, 2021

The Chairperson asked Lee Modesitt, Director of Government Affairs and Communication with the Kansas Insurance Department, to provide a quick overview of HB2136.  After which, he responded to Committee questions.

The Chairperson asked Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, to provide an overview of HB2136. (Attachment 2)

Representative Neighbor moved, Representative Rhiley seconded, adoption of HB2136.  Motion carried

Representative Rhiley asked that the balloon amendment be released and distributed, (Attachment 3)

The Chairperson asked Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, to review the changes in the balloon amendment.  Ms. Ma responded to Committee questions.

Representative Miller moved, Representative Neighbor seconded, adoption of the proposed balloon amendment.  Motion carried.

Representative Neighbor moved, Representative Rhiley seconded, adoption of the HB2136 as amended.  Motion carried.