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Minutes for HB2250 - Committee on Social Services Budget

Short Title

Expanding newborn screening services and increasing transfers of moneys to the Kansas newborn screening fund.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 18, 2021

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HB2250.

Scott Abbott from the Revisor's Office gave a brief overview on HB2250.

The following Proponents gave testimony via WEBEX:

Karey Padding testified on behalf of her son who had the newborn screening tests done 24 hours after he was born.They found out he had Cystic Fibrosis. Even though they were shocked, devastated and scared, she was so thankful for the Newborn Screening and the early detection. (Attachment 24), (Attachment 25)

Drew Duncan gave testimony stating that the proposed change he would like to focus on was increasing funding capitations to ensure resources are available to conduct a quality, effective, and efficient newborn screening program. (Attachment 26)

Paloma Juarez testified on behalf of her son.  If it were not for the Newborn Screening, they would not have found out right away that her son had Pompe disease.  Early diagnosis is imperative.  It will allow these children the opportunity to LIVE.  It will also (and more importantly) determine the quality of life that they will have.(Attachment 27)

Dr. Dena Hubbard testified stating that the Newborn screening process includes a blood test to identify specific illnesses and conditions.  The goal is that these “hidden” disorders can be detected before the baby develops symptoms. (Attachment 28)

The following Proponents provided written testimony:

  • Tara Mays, Vice President, State Legislative Relations KHA (Attachment 29)
  • Heather Braun, Health Policy Advisor, Kansas Action for Children (Attachment 30)
  • Jennifer Gannon, MD, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City (Attachment 31)
  • Melissa Rooker, Executive Director, Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund (Attachment 32)

There were no Opponents or Neutral testimony for HB2250.  Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HB2250.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.

Next scheduled meeting is February 22, 2021