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Minutes for HB2282 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development

Short Title

Allowing the state treasurer to enter into agreements with eligible applicants to guarantee agricultural loans up to 80% and creating a committee to review and approve applications for such guaranteed loans.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 17, 2021

Chair Kelly opened the hearing on HB 2282, recognized David Wiese, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, who briefed the committee on the bill (remote). (Attachment9) Question and answer period followed.

Chair Kelly recognized Melissa Renick, Assistant Director for Research, Kansas Legislative Research Department, who provided additional information on HB 2282, (remote).

Chair Kelly recognized the following individuals who provided information in support of HB 2282.  Stephanie Mullholland, Heartland Credit Union Association, (Attachment10); and Alex Orel, Senior Vice President Government Relations, Kansas Bankers Association, (Attachment11). Question and answer period followed.

Proponents-written only - Chair Kelly announced the following individuals / organizations support HB 2282.  Representative Troy Waymaster, 109th District, Bunker Hill, (Attachment12) ; and John Donley, Kansas Farm Bureau, (Attachment13)  .

Neutral - None

Opponents - None

Opponents-written only - None

Chair Kelly officially recognized Lynn Rogers, State Treasurer to the meeting, who was monitoring via WEBEX.  Treasurer Rogers was not a scheduled conferee on HB 2282, but after all scheduled conferees, Treasurer Rogers was permitted to provide some thoughts to the committee about HB 2282. (remote) (No written testimony provided).

Chair Kelly closed the hearing on HB 2282.


The next House Financial Institutions and Rural Development committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 22, 2021.

Chair Kelly adjourned the meeting at 10:29 am.


Note:  Stephanie Mullhulland, Heartland Credit Union Association, provided additional written information (February 18, 2021) related to HB 2268 and HB 2282 in response to several questions presented by committee members. (Attachment14) The follow up was provided to committee members via email and added to the Kansas Legislative website.