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Minutes for HB2268 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development

Short Title

Enacting the Kansas rural home loan guarantee act and authorizing the state treasurer to guarantee a certain portion of rural home loans made by financial institutions and report to the legislature regarding such loan guarantees.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 17, 2021

Chair Kelly opened the hearing on HB 2268, recognized David Wiese, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, who briefed the committee on the bill (remote). (Attachment4)  Question and answer period followed.

Chair Kelly recognized the following individuals who provided information in support of HB 2268.  Stephanie Mullholland, Heartland Credit Union Association,(Attachment5); and Alex Orel, Senior Vice President Government Relations, Kansas Bankers Association, (Attachment6) . Question and answer period followed.

Proponents-written only - Chair Kelly announced the following individuals / organizations support HB 2268.  Representative Troy Waymaster, 109th District, Bunker Hill, (Attachment7) ; and Mark Tomb, Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Kansas Association of Realtors, (Attachment8).

Neutral - None

Opponents - None

Opponents-written only - None

Chair Kelly closed the hearing on HB 2268.