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Minutes for SB16 - Committee on Appropriations

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Removing the requirement that certain entities submit certain reports to the division of post audit.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 18, 2021

Chairman Waymaster opened the hearing on the bill.

David Wiese, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, presented the bill brief.  This bill would eliminate the current requirement for certain reports to be submitted to the Legislative Post Audit Committee or the Post Auditor (Attachment 1).

In response to questions from a committee member, he stated this bill was only placed on the consent calendar, which passed in the Senate, but not voted on in the House, due to temporary closure of the Legislature with COVID-19 issues.

Justin Stowe, Legislative Post Auditor Legislative Post Audit, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 2).

Justin Stowe reiterated the prior response, and added HB 2050 has gone to the Senate, however, a hearing has not been held at this time.

Chairman Waymaster closed the hearing on the bill.