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Minutes for HB2213 - Committee on Local Government

Short Title

Requiring that purchases of property and construction of buildings by townships are subject to protest petition and election procedure.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 17, 2021

Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.

By motion of Representative Sanders, second by Representative Blex, and unanimous vote of the Committee, the minutes for February 10, 2021, were approved.

The Chair opened the hearing on HB2213.

Senior Assistant Revisor Mike Heim briefed the Committee on the bill.  Noting that current law requires an election to permit a township to purchase property, he explained that the bill stipulates that a township's purchase of property is subject to a protest petition signed by 10% of the township's voters, after which an election must be held.  A township's plan to construct a building is also subject to said petition and election.

Representative Mike Amyx, District 45, testified in support of the bill (Attachment 1).  He explained that under the present statute, if a township wants to purchase property, it is required either to wait until a general election or initiate a special election, either of which option complicates a timely purchase and creates barriers for a citizen who wants to sell property to the township.  He also noted a proposed addition to the statute (sub-section e) to include construction of a building as subject to the petition/election process.  Responding to a question, he replied that perhaps an amendment to the bill could allow a township to grandfather in property it already owns.

The hearing on HB2213 was closed.