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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2244 - Committee on Agriculture

Short Title

Establishing requirements for the effective disposal of industrial hemp and requiring industrial hemp processors to register with the state fire marshal.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 11, 2021

Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB2244.  Kyle Hamilton, Office of the Revisor of Statues, gave an overview of the bill.  Revisor Hamilton answered questions from Committee members.


Robert Jacobs, Executive Officer of the Kansas Bureau gave proponent testimony and stood for questions from the Committee. (Attachment 1)

Kenneth Titus, Chief Council, Kansas Department of Agriculture gave proponent testimony and stood for questions from the Committee. Jeff Vogal from the Kansas Department of Agriculture also provided answers to Committee questions.  (Attachment2)

Doug Jorgensen, State Fire Marshall, gave proponent testimony and stood for questions from the Committee. (Attachment 3)

Ed Klumpp, Kansas Sheriff Association, gave proponent testimony and stood for questions from the Committee. (Attachment 4)

Delaney Tholen, on behalf of the Kansas Heritage Farms, gave proponent testimony and stood for questions from the Committee. (Attachment 5)


Colby Terlip, Sunflower Hemp, provided written only proponent testimony. (Attachment 6) (Attachment7)





Chairperson Rahjes closed the hearing on HB2244.