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March 11, 2025
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Minutes for HCR5008 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Urging the U.S. congress to extend daylight saving time throughout the year for the whole nation.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 11, 2021

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HCR5008.  The Revisor provided an overview on the resolution.  Questions were asked by Vice-Chairperson Arnberger and Representative Poetter.

Chairperson Barker recognized Representative Shannon Francis as a proponent on HCR5008 (Attachment 9).  Questions were asked by Vice-Chairperson Arnberger and Representatives Eplee, Miller, and Hoye.

Scott Yates testified as a proponent on HCR5008 (Attachment 10) HCR5008 supports national daylight savings time year round, so concerns about Kansas not being in sync with neighboring states are avoided.  Questions were asked by Representatives Miller and Howe.

Chairperson Barker noted that there was written proponent testimony from Representative Kristey Williams (Attachment 11).

Chairperson Barker recognized Jay Pea as an opponent to HCR5008 (Attachment 12).  Representative Miller had a question for the conferee.

There were no further opponents.

Chairperson Barker recognized Jim Reed as a neutral on HCR5008 (Attachment 13).  Vice-Chairperson Arnberger had a question of the conferee.

Chairperson Barker noted that there was written neutral testimony from Allison Mazzei, Kansas Association of Bankers (Attachment 14).

Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HCR5008.

Chairperson Barker stated that there would not be a meeting tomorrow.  He anticipates working HB2224 on Tuesday.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.