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Minutes for HB2158 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development
Short Title
Making permanent provisions for the advisory committee on trauma and the statewide trauma system regional council to conduct closed meetings and keep privileged records regarding trauma cases.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 10, 2021
Chair Kelly opened the hearing on HB 2158, recognized Natalie Scott, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, (remote) who briefed the committee on the bill, (Attachment1) A question and answer period followed.
Proponents - Chair Kelly recognized the following individuals who provided information in support of HB 2158. Joseph House, Paramedic, Executive Director, Kansas Board of EMS, (Attachment2); Wendy O'Hare, Trauma Program Director, Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) (remote), (Attachment3); and Dr. Kimberly Molik, Kansas State Chair, Committee on Trauma (remote), (Attachment4). Question and answer period followed.
Proponents-written only - Chair Kelly announced the following individuals / organizations support HB 2158. Tara Mays, Vice President, Kansas Hospital Association, (Attachment5); David Johnston, President, Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association, (Attachment6): Rachelle Colombo, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society, (Attachment7); Dr. Kelsey Larson, MD, Kansas Chapter-American College of Surgeons, (Attachment8); Dr. Kenneth Marshall, MD, Kansas Chapter-American College of Surgeons, (Attachment9); Dr. Stepheny Berry, MD, Trauma Medical Director, University of Kansas Health Systems, (Attachment10).
Neutral - None
Opponents - None
Opponents-written only - None
Chair Kelly closed hearing on HB 2158.