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Minutes for HB2191 - Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice

Short Title

Increasing criminal penalties for the crimes of riot and incitement to riot when the crime occurs in a correctional facility.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 11, 2021

Chairperson Jennings opened the hearing on HB2191.

Natalie Scott gave an overview of HB2191. (Attachment 1) The revisor responded to questions from the Committee.

Scott Schultz, Executive Director, Kansas Sentencing Commission submitted a HB2191 Prison Bed Impact Assessment for Committee review. (Attachment 2)

Sheriff Jeffrey T. Easter testified in support of HB2191(Attachment 3) Sheriff Easter stated there have been instances in the last year in Kansas jails where inmates have tried to incite others and the Kansas Sheriff’s Association strongly supports the bill.

Special Deputy Sheriff Greg Smith testified HB2191 reflects the sanction level that should be there and supports HB2191. (Attachment 4)

Todd Thompson, along with the Pawnee County Attorney, supports HB2191. Mr. Thompson testified the costs and time of investigations, the overall financial burden, and the risk of harm does not make sense for something as significant as rioting to be a misdemeanor consequence when escape, contraband, and batteries within a facility are all felonies. (Attachment 5)

Natalie Scott answered questions by the Committee.

There was no opponent or neutral testimony.

Chairperson Jennings called for final questions from the Committee.

The hearing on HB2191 was closed.


The next Committee meeting will be Monday, February 15, 2021.

The meeting adjourned at 1:42 p.m.