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Minutes for HB2180 - Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications

Short Title

Requiring changes to electric rates for transmission costs to be approved through an electric utility's general rate case proceedings.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 11, 2021

Chair Seiwert opened the hearing on HB2180

Nick Myers, Assistant Revisor, provided an overview of HB2180.  There is a Fiscal Note for HB2180.

Mr Myers stood for questions from the Committee.There were no questions.


Elizabeth Patton, Americans for Prosperity,  appeared before the Committee in support of HB2180.  Passage of HB2180 would eliminate an incentive for electric utilities that is outdated and placing an unnecessary financial burden on our communities. (Attachment 3)

Ms Patton stood for questions.  Questions from the committee were addressed,

Robert Vincent, Counsel, Kansas Industrial Consumers Group, Kansans for Lower Electric Rates appeared before the Committee in support of HB2180. Mr Vincent says HB2180 dampens high electric rates by adjusting an incentive to invest in transmission.  One of the primary factors driving utility investments, and costs to consumers, is continued expansion of the transmission network in Kansas. As the Legislator looks at ways to make Kansas electric rates more competitive and affordable, HB2180 is a solution that can help (Attachment 4)

Mr Vincent stood for questions.  Questions from the Committee were addressed.

Chair Seiwert drew the Committees attention to the written proponent testimony.


Randy Stookey, JD, IOM, Sr Vice President Government Affairs & General Counsel, on behalf of Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association, Renew Kansas Biofuels Association.(Attachment 5)

Ernest Kutzley, AARP.(Attachment 6)

Seeing no additional proponents, Chair Seiwert closed the proponent portion of the hearing.

Having run short on time, Chair Seiwert asked that we continue the hearing on HB2180  for testimony from opponents and the neutral testimony to Tuesday, February 16th. 

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30  Next meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2021.