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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2181 - Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications

Short Title

Requiring the state corporation commission to provide the legislature with an annual report of the electric rates of electric public utilities in the region.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 9, 2021

Chair Seiwert opened the hearing on HB2181. 

Nick Myers, Revisors office, provided an overview of HB2181 There is a Fiscal Notre for HB2181. There were no questions for the Revisor. 


Paul Snider, Snider Public Affairs, on behalf of Kansans for Lower Electric Rates and Kansas Industrial Consumers Group, appeared before the committee in support of HB2181.  This bill is a simple rate reporting bill that will allow the Legislature to monitor the progress of efforts to transition Kansas to regionally competitive electric rates.  Mr Snider stood for questions. No questions presented. (Attachment 1)

Jason Watkins, Watkins Public Strategies,  on behalf of Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce, The Chamber supports this legislation because it is one of the necessary steps in ensuring the Kansas companies, both large and small, benefit from a competitive rate structure, which is needed for Kansas to compete for jobs.  Mr Watkins stood for questions.  Questions presented from the committee were addressed. (Attachment 2)

Chair Seiwert drew the committee's attention to the written testimony provided by the following:


David Nickel, Consumer Counsel, Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board (Attachment 3)

Randy Stookey, representing Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Renew Kansas Biofuels Association, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association.(Attachment 4)

Elizabeth Patton, Americans for Prosperity (Attachment 5)

Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber of Commerce (Attachment 6)

Chair Seiwert asked if anyone else desires to speak as a proponent of HB 2181?  Seeing none, this closes the proponent portion of the hearing.

Chair Seiwert opened the opponent portion of the hearing on HB2181.  Seeing none, this closes the opponent portion of the hearing.

Chair Seiwert opened the neutral portion of the hearing on HB2181.


Leslie Kaufman, Kansas Electric Cooperative, appeared before the committee as a neutral of HB2181.  Ms Kaufman raised the following quesitons: Why must a state agency be tasked with this study?  Will this bill alter time-honored KCC procedures that protect confidential or competitively sensitive  business information? How will the non-contiguous states be selected for the regional sample?  Will that group change from year-to-year? We are unsure that the KCC report shall contain enough to provide needed context. Will the average be treated as an average of all utilities or weighted average of the state?  Will the additional costs to the KCC associated with providing the report be assessed to the state's utilities?  Ms Kaufman stood for questions.  Questions presented were addressed. (Attachment 7)

Chuck Caisley, Evergy, appeared before the committee as a neutral of HB2181, a bill that appears relatively straightforward but is insufficient as currently drafted resulting in little value toward the goal of driving regionally competitive electric rates in Kansas.. Mr Caisley stood for questions.  Questions presented were addressed.(Attachment 8)

Justin Grady, Kansas Corporation Commission, appeared before the committee as a neutral of HB2181.  As this committee is aware, information is frequently presented and discussed before the House and Senate Utilities committees.  This information is compiled and maintained by the United States Energy Information Administration, and is readily available on the website. Mr Grady stood for question.  Questions presented were addressed. (Attachment 9)

Chair Seiwert asked if anyone else desired to speak as neutral to HB2181?  Seeing none, this closes the neutral portion of the hearing.

The Chair closed the hearing on HB2181

Meeting Adjourned at 10:10 am.  Next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2021.