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Minutes for HB2174 - Committee on Appropriations

Short Title

Establishing the rural hospital innovation grant program to assist rural hospitals in serving rural communities.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 10, 2021

Scott Abbott, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, provided a briefing on the bill (Attachment 1). The bill would establish the rural hospital innovation grant program for the purpose of strengthening and improving the healthcare system in counties other than Douglas, Johnson, Sedgwick, Shawnee and Wyandotte. Committee members received a copy of the Fiscal Note (Attachment 2).

Deborah Barnes, Staff Attorney, League of Kansas Municipalities, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 3).

Tara Mays, Vice President, State Legislative Relations, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill representing the Kansas Hospital Association (Attachment 4).

Discussion followed by committee members and presenters responded to questions regarding issues rural hospitals are facing.  As requested, additional information will be forthcoming regarding the vulnerability study, Ms. Mays stated. 

Taggart Wall, City of Winfield, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 5)

John Donley, Kansas Farm Bureau, presented written testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 6).

Chairman Waymaster closed the hearing on the bill.