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Minutes for HB2177 - Committee on Local Government

Short Title

Providing for the dissolution of special districts and the assumption of responsibilities by a city or county.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 3, 2021

Chairman Thompson opened the hearing on HB 2177.

Mr. Heim reviewed the salient parts of the bill.  He commented that an identical bill from last year's session passed the House 122-3 and the Senate 37-3, but in conference committee the contents were deleted and education language was inserted into the bill.  He explained that HB 2177 outlines the procedures by which a city or county jointly with special district principals can dissolve the special district and allow the city or county to assume all responsibilities for the district's function.  As background he cited the experiences of the cities of Pratt and Atchison as the stimulus for creating a generic bill to simplify the process for other cities facing the same issues.  Responding to questions, he replied that the process must be mutually voluntary and that any assets of the special district go to the city or county.

Amanda Stanley spoke in support of the bill (Attachment 5).  She noted that presently the only way to dissolve a special district is by separate legislation for each circumstance.  The bill will provide generic permission for dissolution actions by special districts.  She noted that her research indicated no other state has provided this option, and so the bill was developed to apply to a variety of special districts in Kansas.  She said the process is voluntary and includes a joint resolution, a public hearing, and initiating a local ordinance.

Ms. Stanley responded to members' questions:

  • The Association of Counties is in agreement with the bill.
  • Before the Home Rule constitutional amendment was passed, the only option for a city or county to address similar issues was to bring the proposal to the Kansas Legislature.
  • Special districts include entities such as airports, watersheds, and fire districts.
  • Actions by townships come under a different set of statutes.
  • The bill will make government more efficient and effective.

The Chair referenced two written-only testimonies in support of the bill:

  • Eric Stafford, Vice President of Government Affairs, Kansas Chamber (Attachment 6); and
  • Randy Stookey, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel, Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association, and Renew Kansas Biofuels (Attachment 7).

The Chairman noticed Mr. Stookey attending on WebEx and invited him to offer further comments.  Mr. Stookey observed that his members see the bill as making government more responsive to the needs of citizens, and they support the bill.

The Chair closed the hearing on HB 2177

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2021.