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Minutes for HB2112 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development

Short Title

Permitting online advertisement and sales of abandoned property by self-storage rental unit operators; providing for the designation by occupants of an alternate contact and limiting claims for loss or damage of stored property to the property value limit provided in the rental agreement.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 2, 2021

Representative Tarwater opened for discussion and action on HB2112.

Representative Long moved, seconded by Representative Sutton, that the Committee recommend HB2112 be passed.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Probst moved to amend HB2112 , striking certain language in the bill, seconded by Representative Clayton. The motion fails. (Attachment 1)

Representative Probst moved to amend HB2112,relating to the use of commercially reasonable,  seconded by Representative Miller. The motion fails.(Attachment 2)

Representative Long closed on his motion. The motion carried.