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Minutes for HB2098 - Committee on Judiciary

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Allowing a court to change a spouse's name to a name that is different than a maiden or former name during a divorce proceeding.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 4, 2021


Chairperson Patton opened the hearing on HB2098.  Natalie Scott provided an overview of the bill. (Attachment 3) Ms. Scott stood for questions.

Sara Rust-Martin testified in support of HB2098  (Attachment 4) on behalf of Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence. Ms. Rust-Martin explained for many domestic violence victims, the fear of further violence is very real even after leaving the relationship. For some, the only option they see in ensuring that an abusive spouse will not be able to locate the victim involves changing her name. At this time, a victim must bring a separate action to the court petitioning for a name change as it cannot be done as part of the divorce process because she is not requesting a name she currently or formerly used. This law would allow individuals to change their name at the time of the divorce, or after the decree is issued, allowing them to conduct this safety measure as a part of an existing court case. For all victims, KCSDV supports the passage of HB2098. Ms. Rust-Martin stood for questions. 

Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on HB2098.