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Minutes for HB2089 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

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Authorizing the attorney general to issue an alternative license to carry a concealed handgun to qualified applicants during a declared state of disaster emergency.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2089.  Matt Sterling, Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview on the bill (Attachment 1).

Chairperson Barker recognized Attorney General Derek Schmidt as a proponent to the bill (Attachment 2).  He stated that this bill would allow the attorney general in times of a declared state of disaster emergency to issue temporary documentation to concealed carry licensees when it is impractical for the licensee to visit the Division of Motor Vehicles to obtain their physical card.  Representatives Highberger and Carpenter had questions.

Chairperson Barker recognized Jason Watkins, Kansas State Rifle Association, as a proponent to HB2089 (Attachment 3).  The Kansas State Rifle Association believes this is a common-sense policy that protects the rights of those Kansans that have met the requirements to receive a concealed carry license but cannot acquire the actual hard copy license due to circumstances outside the control of the citizen and the Department of Revenue.

Chairperson Barker noted that there were no opponents or neutrals and closed the hearing on HB2089