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Minutes for HB2086 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Authorizing schools to maintain emergency medication kits and to administer such medication in emergency situations.

Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 26, 2021

Chairperson Huebert opened the hearing on HB2086 and invited Revisor Nick Meyers to give an overview of the bill. (Attachment 1)

During a period of comments and questions, Revisor Meyers defined the actual statute changes this bill would make are essentially two issues.  First, it adds the ability for schools to keep emergency kits stocked at all times, by authorizing pharmacists to distribute medications like albuterol and epinephrine and second, it adds the administering of albuterol, as previously only epinephrine was authorized.

Crystal Krueger, RN testified as a proponent.  She is the legislative representative from the Kansas School Nurse Association.  She shared several personal stories from Kansas school nurses and urged the Committee to support this bill that Kansas school nurses believe is necessary to keep their students safe and healthy.  (Attachment 2)

Ronda Hutchison, RN testified as a proponent.  As a pediatric nurse for 26 years and a school nurse for 18 years, she explained from her own experience what the difficulty this bill addresses.  There are barriers to stocking epinephrine and albuterol has not been stocked in schools.  This bill, she explained, would add albuterol to school kits and be authorized to be administered, and Kansas could join 48 other states who stock these emergency medicine supplies in their buildings. (Attachment 3)

There was a discussion among the conferees and Representatives.

Chairperson Huebert closed the hearing on HB2086.

Written Proponent Testimony:

Alexandra Blasi, Executive Secretary, Kansas State Board of Pharmacy (Attachment 4)

Dr. Dena Hubbard, Legislative Coordinator, Kansas Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (Attachment 5)

Leah Fliter, Governmental Relations, Kansas Association of School Boards (Attachment 6)

Cynthia Galemore, RN Retired School Nurse, Olathe (Attachment 7)

Shannon Grilliot, RN School Nurse, Goddard (Attachment 8)

Beth Hought, RN School Nurse, Olathe (Attachment 9)

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, Legislative Liaisons, Kansas State Board of Education  (Attachment 10)

Malisa McEachen, RN  School Nurse, Shawnee Mission (Attachment 11)

Sharon Morris, RN Health Services Director, Olathe Public Schools  (Attachment 12)

Michelle Spangler, RN School Nurse, Garden City  (Attachment 13)

Cindi Tedder, RN Early Education Special Education School Nurse, USD 233 (Attachment 14)

Alana Williams-Dean, RN School Nurse, Mankato  (Attachment 15)

Kelly Sommers, RN  Director, Kansas State Nurses Association  (Attachment 16)