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Minutes for HB2059 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Providing reciprocity for licenses to carry concealed handguns and creating two classes of concealed carry licenses.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2059.  Matt Sterling, Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill (Attachment 18) .  Questions were asked by Representatives Hoye and Highberger.

Chairperson Barker recognized Representative Blake Carpenter as a proponent on HB2059 (Attachment 19).  Representative Carpenter stated that this bill is similar to HB2058, but would allow Kansans ages18, 19 and 20 to obtain a provisional concealed carry license.

Jason Watkins, Kansas State Rifle Association, was recognized by the Chair as a proponent (Attachment 20).  He stated that this bill would provide that a valid license or permit to carry a concealed firearm issued by another jurisdiction would be recognized in Kansas and it would allow individuals ages 18-20 to apply for and receive a provisional concealed carry license once all the requirements were met.  The Kansas State Rifle Association supports this bill.  Questions were directed to Mr. Watkins by Representatives Clayton and Penn. 

Chairperson Barker directed the Committee's attention to the written proponent testimony of Travis Couture-Lovelady, NRA (Attachment 21).

Seeing no further proponents, Chairperson Barker opened the opponent portion of the hearing and recognized Angela Lee as an opponent to HB2059 (Attachment 22).  Ms. Lee shared about the loss of her son to gun violence and urged the Committee to not pass this bill.

Chairperson Barker recognized Crystal Hays as an opponent to the bill (Attachment 23).  Ms. Hays spoke about the loss of her sister, her son and her nephew as a result of gun violence.  since HB2059 would allow teenagers to carry hidden and loaded firearms in public, she strongly urged the Committee to not pass HB2059.

Dr. Kimberly Molik was on the agenda to speak to the Committee by Webex, but was called into surgery.  Her testimony in opposition to HB2059 (Attachment 24) is attached hereto. 

Rabbi Moti Rieber was recognized by the Chair as an opponent to the bill (Attachment 25).  It is the position of KIFA that if this bill is passed, they will soon be trying to change the carry age to 18.  Not only does this bill continue to make a bad problem worse it promises worse to come.

Semi Rogers provided testimony as an opponent to HB2059 (Attachment 26).  Ms. Rogers stated that her son was shot to death in a robbery in 2019.  If this bill is passed, almost certainly more kids will end up dead who should be alive.

Chairperson Barker opened the floor for questions of the opponents.  Representative Waggoner had a question for Rabbi Rieber.

Chairperson Barker directed the Committee's attention to the written opponent testimony of Leanna Barclay (Attachment 27); Karin Barrett (Attachment 28); Lene Brooke (Attachment 29);  Colleen Cunningham (Attachment 30); Dr. Molly Krager, American Academy of Pediatrics, Kansas Chapter (Attachment 31); Sharon Miller (Attachment 32); Carl Reed (Attachment 33); Melissa Reichmeier (Attachment 34); Christine and David Schneider (Attachment 35);  Sophia Steffensmeier, Students Demand Action for gun Sense in America (Attachment 36); Laura Wiltanger (Attachment 37); and Amanda Winch, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (Attachment 38).

Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HB2059 after noting that there were no further conferees on the bill.

There being no further business, Chairperson Barker adjourned the meeting at 10:27 a.m.