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Minutes for SB15 - Committee on Financial Institutions

Short Title

Enacting the Kansas economic recovery loan deposit program, updating field of membership requirements of credit unions and allowing privilege tax deductions on agricultural real estate loans and single family residence loans.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 21, 2021


Chairman Longbine opened the hearing on SB15.

Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Office of the Kansas Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill via Webex remote and stood for questions.  (Attachment 1)   She answered a question from Senator Hilderbrand pertaining to the interest rate charged to the borrower as opposed to what the state charges the lending institution. 


Seeing no other questions, Chairman Longbine called for oral proponent testimony:

Alex Orel, Senior Vice President, Kansas Bankers Association (KBA)  (Attachment 2)

Kathy Schwerdtfager, Chief Credit Officer, Bank of Tescott (via Webex remote)  (Attachment 3)

Adam Mills, President, Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association (via Webex remote)  (Attachment 4)

Greg Meyer, Ag Producers, Owner Meyer Farms (via Webex remote)  (Attachment 5)

Shan Haynes, President and CEO, Heartland Tri-State Bank (via Webex remote)  (Attachment 6)


The Chair pointed the committee's attention to the written-only proponent testimony:

Aaron Popelka, Vice President, Kansas Livestock Association  (Attachment 7)

Randy Stookey, Renew Kansas Biofuels Association  (Attachment 8)

Mark Tomb, Vice President, Governmental Affairs, Kansas Association of Realtors  (Attachment 9)

Eric Stafford, Vice President, Kansas Chamber  (Attachment 10)

Dan Murray, on behalf of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)  (Attachment 11)

Scott Schneider, on behalf of Happiness Plaza Concepts, LLC, (DBA "The Belmont")  (Attachment 12)


The proponents answered questions from Senator Hilderbrand and Senator Gossage.  Seeing no other questions, Chairman Longbine called for oral opponents:

Brandi Miller, President and CEO, Kansas Cooperative Council   (Attachment 13)   Ms. Miller answered a question from Senator Hilderbrand.

The Chair then pointed the committee's attention to the written-only opponent testimony:

Jerald Kemmerer, CEO, Pride Ag Resources (present via Webex)  (Attachment 14)

David Cron, CEO, Skyland Co-op Inc.  (Attachment 15)


Chairman Longbine called for oral neutral testimony:

Lynn Rogers, Kansas State Treasurer (via Webex remote) - testimony  (Attachment 16); contact list (Attachment 17)

Stephanie Mullholland, Heartland Credit Union Association  (Attachment 18)

Kevin Swayne, High Plains Farm Credit (via Webex remote)  (Attachment 19)


Chairman Longbine asked if there were any other questions, comments, or persons who would like to testify.  Seeing none, the Chair closed the hearing on SB15.


Chairman Longbine briefly previewed the tentative agenda for next week, slating SB29 and SB30 for hearing on Tuesday; SB28 on Wednesday; and planning to work bills previously heard on Thursday.


The meeting adjourned at 10:34 am.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 26, 2021, in Room 546-South of the Capitol.