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Minutes for SB24 - Committee on Utilities

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Prohibiting municipalities from imposing restrictions on customer's use of energy based upon source of energy.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 28, 2021

The Chairman called for discussion and possible final action on SB 24Matt Sterling, Office of Revisor of Statutes, gave an overview of the bill.

The Chairman made a motion to present an amendment, and Senator Olson seconded. (Attachment 1)

Mr. Sterling explained the amendment "clarifies who is, and who is not, subject to the requirements of the bill."  The amendment also changed the word, "source" of utility, to "type".  Other changes were to specify the types of energy the bill would affect, as being natural gas and electricity.  Furthermore, it states the bill would not affect municipalities if they are the "end use" customer.

After much discussion and concern that there may be unintended consequences from the language, Senator Olson withdrew his second of the motion to amend the bill and discussion will be carried over to next week.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 2:18 pm.