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Minutes for SB24 - Committee on Utilities

Short Title

Prohibiting municipalities from imposing restrictions on customer's use of energy based upon source of energy.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021


The Chairman explained that forty-five minutes total would be allotted for oral testimony, including both neutral and opponent conferees, in keeping with the amount of time allotted for yesterday's proponent hearing.   Fifteen minutes would be reserved after testimony, for questions and answers.

Chairman Thompson called for Neutral Testimony on the bill. 

Neutral, Oral

Jeff McClanahan, KCC, Utilities Division, spoke with a neutral position on the bill, stating that although it is a policy decision for the Legislature, should bans on energy sources occur in Kansas, the impact to a utility and its customers would be lower future customer growth prospects and potential stranded assets. These two consequences, he said, would have the effect of increasing rates to existing customers.  (Attachment 1)

Written, Neutral Testimony was provided by:

Dave Nickel, Citizens' Utility Ratepayers Board  (Attachment 2)

Stuart Little, Cities of Merriam, Mission, Westwood Hills (Attachment 3)