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Minutes for SB24 - Committee on Utilities

Short Title

Prohibiting municipalities from imposing restrictions on customer's use of energy based upon source of energy.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

The Chairman called for Opponent Testimony on the bill for the remaining time allotted.

Opponents, Oral

Zack Pistora, Sierra Club, spoke as an opponent on behalf of the Sierra Club. He stated the bill disrespects the spirit of Home Rule, that some energy types have disproportionate costs, cities should be able to determine what energy sources work best for their community, and that the bill does not help communities that want to move past the negative costs of fossil fuels. (Attachment 4)

Grant Mayfield, private citizen, spoke as an opponent of the bill, saying that it limits the ability of municipalities to lower their emissions and protects the rights of every Kansan to pollute the air however they see fit. (Attachment 5)

Michael Almon, Sustainability Action Network, spoke as an opponent, stating that it violates Home Rule and that cities must be free to set their own energy agenda, protect their community's environment, and safeguard our planet's climate.  (Attachment 6)

Erik Sartorius, League of Kansas Municipalities, spoke as an opponent and stated that the bill is too broad in the actions, and the effects of actions, that it would prohibit.   (Attachment 7)

Opponents, Oral, Remote

Dorothy Barnett, Climate + Energy Project, stated that she believes the bill would take away the ability of local governments to support new, all-electric buildings via their building codes and other policies.  (Attachment 8)

Emily Wolfe, Kelly Gilbert, Metropolitan Energy Center, stated that the bill takes away the ability of local governments to enact policies and programs that meet the specific needs of their communities. (Attachment 9)

Alan Bauman, private citizen, spoke as an opponent, stating that the popular will of our communities need to be allowed to take advantage of the less polluting, clean energy resources we have in Kansas.  (Attachment 10)

Kent Rowe, private citizen, spoke as an opponent, saying that banning local governmental bodies from choosing to mandate energy and efficiency curtails the development of smart, resilient, electrification. (Attachment 11)

Margaret Kramar, private citizen, spoke as an opponent giving her view that it is wrong to place more importance on short-term economic gain than on the health and prosperity of future generations and the planet. (Attachment 12)

With time having expired for oral testimony, the following conferees submitted their testimony as written only:

Rabbi Moti Reiber, Rev. Rachael Pryor, Kansas Interfaith Action (Attachment 13)

John Shively, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (Attachment 14)

Bryton Stoll, private citizen  (Attachment 15)

Previously submitted written testimony was provided by the following:

Jasmine Bates, private citizen (Attachment 16)

Mattie Bell, private citizen (Attachment 17)

James Bolton, private citizen (Attachment 18)

Kate Buren, private citizen (Attachment 19)

Joel Campbell, private citizen (Attachment 20)

Representative, City of Overland Park (Attachment 21)

Jennifer Connelly, private citizen (Attachment 22)

Matthew Dunn, private citizen (Attachment 23)

Evan Epperson, private citizen (Attachment 24)

Kate Haefele, private citizen (Attachment 25)

Helen Hands, private citizen (Attachment 26)

Kathleen Harned, private citizen (Attachment 27)

Logan Heley, Council Member, City of Overland Park (Attachment 28)

Rev. Thad Holcombe, private citizen (Attachment 29)

Fred Hopkins, private citizen (Attachment 30)

Carol and David Kyner, private citizens (Attachment 31)

Melinda Lavon, private citizen (Attachment 32)

Kate Lorenz, private citizen (Attachment 33)

Liza MacKinnon, private citizen (Attachment 34)

Rachel McGonagle, private citizen (Attachment 35)

Brad Finkeldei, Mayor, City of Lawrence (Attachment 36)

David Norlin, private citizen (Attachment 37)

Sarah Plinsky, Douglas County (Attachment 38)

Brent Ragsdale, Willdan Performance Engineering (Attachment 39)

Brenna Regan, private citizen (Attachment 40)

Jamie Robischaud, City of Prairie Village (Attachment 41)

Ruth Rosell, private citizen (Attachment 42)

Justin Runge, private citizen (Attachment 43)

Emily Ryan, private citizen (Attachment 44)

Anthony Schmidt, private citizen (Attachment 45)

Joe Spease, private citizen (Attachment 46)

Jack Vandeleuv, private citizen (Attachment 47)

Michael Wolfe, Sunrise Movement Kansas City (Attachment 48)

Magda Werkmeister, private citizen (Attachment 49)

Pennie von Achen, private citizen (Attachment 50)


Following the oral testimony, conferees responded to questions from Committee Members. 

With no further questions or conferees, the Chairman closed the hearing for neutral and opponent Testimony on SB 24.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm.