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Minutes for HB2079 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Transferring duties concerning address confidentiality program (safe at home) from the secretary of state to the attorney general.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 25, 2021

Chairperson Patton opened the hearing on HB2079(Attachment 1) Natalie Scott provided an overview of the bill.  Ms. Scott stood for questions.


Michelle McCormick testified on behalf of the Attorney General's office and in support of HB2079(Attachment 2) Ms. McCormick stated that in conversations with Secretary Schwab and his staff, they believe this program would be a better fit within the Attorney General's office.  If this bill were to pass, they would house the program within the Victim Services Division, where their specialized staff work with victims of crime every day.  The A.G.'s office is in regular contact with many domestic violence shelters and victim advocacy organizations around the state, who are among the groups that assist victims with signing up for the Safe at Home program.  On behalf of the Office of Secretary of State, they believe HB2079 with allow victims of domestic abuse, stalking and other heinous acts of violence to be better served by trained staff in the Attorney General's Office.  They appreciate your consideration and ask for your support of HB2079.

Clay Barker testified in support of HB2079(Attachment 3) Mr. Barker explained that under current practice his office, The Secretary of State, works with victim's services organizations to administer the Safe at Home Program.  However, they are not the enrolling agent and only serve as the program administrator with no oversight or enforcement capabilities.  Given the small size of our staff and the lack of expertise and training for working with abuse victims, they believe this program and, more importantly, its participants will be better served by the Office of Attorney General.  Mr. Barker stated that he and his office appreciate your consideration and ask for the memberships support of the bill.

Both conferees stood for questions from the membership.

Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on HB2079.