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Minutes for HB2045 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development

Short Title

Revising the Kansas angel investor tax credit act with respect to the definition of qualified securities, tax credit limitations and amounts, investor requirements and extending the date that credits may be allowed.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 28, 2021

David Soffer, Legislative and Policy Director, Department of Commerce provided an Overview of the Angel Tax Credit.

A brief question and answer followed.

Representative Long moved to pass HB2045 for passage.Representative Clayton seconded.

Representative Clayton moved to amend HB2045 using the Clayton amendment.(Attachment 2)Seconded by Representative Xu. Representative Clayton closed on the amendment.

Representative Long moved that HB2045 favorable for passage as amended. Representative Clayton seconded. Motion passes on a voice vote.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3:05 PM