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Minutes for HB2067 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Requiring the allocation of sufficient school district moneys to improve academic performance of underachieving students.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

Chair Kristey Williams opened the hearing on HB2067, Requiring the allocation of sufficient school district moneys to improve academic performance of underachieving students.  Nick Myers, Staff Revisor, reviewed HB2067.

Mike O'Neal, Attorney at law, Kansas Policy Institute, provided his proponent oral testimony stating the simple and straight forwardness of the bill.  The bill amends the current statue dealing with the development and passage of local school district budgets by the locally elected school boards. (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4)

Questions were asked by Representatives Tarwater, Williams, Hoye, Penn

Mark Tallman, Executive Director, Kansas Association of School Boards, provided oral opposition testimony stating that the Kansas Department of Education had three major concerns about this bill.  First, it may suggest that locally elected school boards are not committed to achieving these capacities simply because they had not reached them.  Second, it may imply schools are not reaching these goals because boards are misallocating dollars due to either indifference or ignorance, or perhaps some other reasons.  And third, it may imply that the one-size fits all solution is simply spending more on a single budget function and less on everything else.  (Attachment 5)

Questions and comments were asked by Representatives Hoffman, Williams, Penn, Huebert, Estes

Chair Williams Adjourned the meeting at 5:30 PM