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Minutes for HB2066 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Short Title
Expanding the military spouse and servicemember's expedited licensure law to all applicants who have established or intend to establish residency in Kansas, providing for the practice of telemedicine by out-of-state physicians, permitting the issuance of temporary licenses in emergencies and the use of electronic credentials.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 19, 2021
Chairman Tarwater opened the Hearing on HB2066
Charles Reimer, Revisor gave a summary of HB2066.
Larrie Ann Brown, Attorney at Law on behalf of Teledoc medicine presented testimony as a Proponent (Attachment 1)
Elizabeth Patton, State Director American for Prosperity presented testimony as a Proponent.( Attachment 2)
Representative Chris Croft, Kansas Representative District #8 presented testimony as a Proponent.(Attachment 3)
Andrew Weins, VP of Government Relations Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce presented testimony as a Proponent.(Attachment 4)
Haley Holik, Opportunity Solutions Project presented as a virtual Proponent.(Attachment 5)
Megan Forbes Legislative Council for the Institute for Justice presented as a virtual Proponent.(Attachment 6)
John Jenks, Director of Public Policy, Kansas City Chamber of Commerce presented as a virtual Proponent. (Attachment 7)
Mitch Foley, Fort Riley, presented as a virtual Proponent. Attachment 8)
Proponent conferees stood for questions.
Larry Karns, Executive Director of Kansas Board of Technical Professional presented as an Opponent(Attachment 9)
Malcolm Watson,American Institute of Architects Kansas Chapter, presented as an Opponent. (Attachment 10)
Opponent conferees stood for questions.
Rochelle Colombo, Executive Director Kansas Medical Society presented Neutral testimony (Attachment 11)
Tucker Poling, Acting Director of Kansas Board Healing Arts presented Neutral testimony (Attachment 12)
David Soffer, Legislative and Policy Director Kansas Department of Commerce presented Neutral testimony(Attachment 13)
Eric Wisner, Kansas Real Estate Commission presented virtual Neutral testimony.(Attachment 14)
Neutral conferees stood for questions.
Written testimony was provided by the following:
Wendy Doyle, United WE, Proponent(Attachment 15)
Chad Johanning, MD ,Kansas Academy of Family Physicians, Proponent(Attachment 16)
Courtney Eichhorn, Proponent(Attachment 17)
Todd Fleischer, Kansas Optometric Association, Proponent(Attachment 18)
Chairperson Tarwater closed the hearing on HB2066.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 PM