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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for HB2026 - Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice

Short Title

Creating a drug abuse treatment program for people on diversion and allowing county and district attorneys to enter into agreements with chief judges and community corrections for supervision.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 20, 2021

Chairperson Jennings opened the hearing on HB2026.

Natalie Scott, Assistant Revisor, gave an overview of HB2026. (Attachment 6) The revisor stood for questions from the Committee.

Scott Schultz submitted a HB2026 Prison Bed Impact Assessment for Committee review and testified in support of HB2026 to expand the state-paid substance abuse treatment offered through a diversion agreement and run by local prosecutors. (Attachment 7) (Attachment 8) Mr. Schultz responded to questions from the Committee.

Ed Klumpp deferred to his written proponent testimony but stated he was open to questions. (Attachment 9)

John Jenks testified in support of HB2026 stating The Greater KC Chamber of Commerce is actively engaged in helping their membership hire people who have a criminal record through the Workforce Opportunities for Returning Citizens (WORC) Program. The expanded opportunities for drug treatment and diversion can keep more offenders out of jail or prison and keep them employed and contributing to the economy and participating in the workforce while addressing the drug crisis in a productive and responsible manner. (Attachment 10)

Chairperson Jennings commended The Greater KC Chamber of Commerce for serving as an example of what the business community can do with initiatives that foster an environment of assistance and supports for individuals who have run afoul with the law to move on to a lawful and better life. Mr. Jenks stood for questions from the Committee.

There was no opponent testimony.

Dr. Stuart Little testified as supportive but neutral of HB2026 cautioning the Committee policy choices need to engage budgetary commitment and to not add participants without the funding. Dr. Little further stated if the money is not added, it cuts the ability for the program to succeed. (Attachment 11) Dr. Little stood for questions from the Committee.

Neutral, written only testimony was submitted by:

  • Nadine Johnson, Executive Director, ACLU of Kansas (Attachment 12)
  • Randy Bowman, Executive Director of Public Affairs, Kansas Department of Corrections (Attachment 13)

With no further questions, Chairperson Jennings closed the hearing on HB2026.

Chairperson Jennings thanked the IT staff for resolving the audio/video issues that disrupted the beginning of the meeting. IT staff’s quick resolution allowed the Committee to get work done.


The next meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2021.

Meeting adjourned 2:50 p.m.