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Minutes for HB2027 - Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice

Short Title

Modifying the criminal penalties for unlawfully tampering with electronic monitoring equipment.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 20, 2021

Chair Jennings opened the hearing on HB2027.

Natalie Scott, Assistant Revisor, gave an overview of HB2027 and the statute it affects. (Attachment 1) Questions from the Committee were addressed.

Chair Jennings suspended the HB2077 hearing due to technical difficulties. Once IT staff resolved the issues, Chair Jennings resumed the hearing on HB2077.

Scott Schultz testified in support of HB2027 stating HB2027 amends K.S.A. 2020 Supp. 21-6322 making it a two-tiered penalty based on the severity level of the charge of origin versus the current offense level which could be more severe than the underlying crime. Mr. Schultz reported the Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission also supports HB2027(Attachment 2) Additionally, Mr. Schultz submitted a HB2027 Prison Bed Impact Assessment for Committee review. (Attachment 3) Questions from the Committee were addressed.

Written testimony in support of HB2027 was submitted by Jennifer Roth, Co-Chair of the Kansas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. (Attachment 4)

There was no opponent testimony.

Ed Klumpp testified the three Associations have opposed similar bills, however, the Associations will remain neutral on HB2027 and requested consideration for amending HB2027 for person misdemeanor cases or based on domestic violence or stalking misdemeanor. (Attachment 5) Questions from the Committee were addressed, and Representative Wheeler will work with Mr. Klumpp to develop an amendment.

Chair Jennings called for final questions from the Committee.

 The hearing on HB2027 was closed.